
Travel around Beijing Great Wall ?

The Great Wall a unique wonder of the world and a bridge of friendship linking up all lands. There are many sections of the Great Wall and the sections closest to Beijing are Juyongguan, Badaling, Mutianyu, Simatai and Jinshanling Tourists can choose one or more for your Great Wall tour.
Badaling Great Wall

More than 60 kilometers northwest from Beijing, Badaling Great Wall is the most famous and best-preserved section of the Great Wall. Each year, there are lots of tourists come to visit Badaling Great Wall. While hiking at Badaling, tourists can appreciate the splendid scenery. 

Juyongguan Great Wall 

Juyongguan Great Wall provided impregnable protection to northwest Beijing and was one of the most important fortifications of ancient limes. And it witnessed many important and significant events in Chinese.
In addition, Juyongguan Great Wall is also famous for its charming and beautiful scenery. If you have enough time, Juyongguan Great Wall is really worth visiting.

Mutianyu Great Wall

Most visitors who visite Mutianyu Great Wall are allured by its incredible picturesque scenery, with verdant plants and trees densely covered the mountians. Northwestern part of the Mutianyu Great Wall is its essence. Built along the rising and falling ridges, it is one of the most dangerous parts of the Great Wall.

Simatai Great Wall

As a strategic pass in the eastern part of the Great Wall, Simatai section was known for its steepness, ingenuity and unique. Ingeniously conceived and uniquely designed, Simatai has different characteristics, densely dotted with beacon towers. Its structure is unique in that it contains single and double walls and assumes a trapezoidal shape. 

Jinshanling Great Wall

Jinshanling Great Wall is close to Simatai, a site tourists can reach on foot in just a few hours. Without being greatly renovated, Jinshanling Great Wall remains its original feature. It has the advantage of being still broadly walkable and relatively less busy. Generally speaking, the level of difficulty can be said relaxing though certain parts are tricky.

When having a Great Wall tour, tourists should not miss the chance to enjoy the beautiful and splendid scenery.

